Showing the Card as text
Now let's go back to our iced application, just for starters, let's replace the "Hello Iced" message with a random card.
For this, in our app state (our IcedTwentyOne
struct) we will have two fields, a deck and our hand (the deck field not being used yet, but let's add it already).
mod card;
use card::{Deck, Hand};
struct IcedTwentyOne {
deck: Deck,
player_hand: Hand,
Notice that we aren't using the #[derive(Default)]
anymore. We will start implementing the Default
trait ourselves, in our Default
state we start the deck, suffle the cards, and draw one to our hand.
impl Default for IcedTwentyOne {
fn default() -> IcedTwentyOne {
let mut deck = Deck::new();
let mut hand = Hand::new();
IcedTwentyOne {
deck: deck,
player_hand: hand,
And now that the card is there, we can show it on our view()
fn view(&self) -> Element<Self::Message> {
let card = text([0]);
Each time you run the app, you should see a different Card, try it!
This is the full code as of now, it's only showing the things we changed, but you can click on the eye button to see the whole content.
use iced::widget::{container, text};
use iced::executor;
use iced::{Application, Element, Settings, Theme, Command};
mod card;
use card::{Deck, Hand};
struct IcedTwentyOne {
deck: Deck,
player_hand: Hand,
impl Default for IcedTwentyOne {
fn default() -> IcedTwentyOne {
let mut deck = Deck::new();
let mut hand = Hand::new();
IcedTwentyOne {
deck: deck,
player_hand: hand,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Message {
impl Application for IcedTwentyOne {
type Executor = executor::Default;
type Flags = ();
type Message = Message;
type Theme = Theme;
fn new(_flags: ()) -> (IcedTwentyOne, Command<Self::Message>) {
(IcedTwentyOne::default(), Command::none())
fn title(&self) -> String {
String::from("Iced Twenty-One")
fn update(&mut self, _message: Self::Message) -> Command<Self::Message> {
fn view(&self) -> Element<Self::Message> {
let card = text([0]);
pub fn main() -> iced::Result {